Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL Default Params in PHP



In your markup file:

<?php //echo do_shortcode('[rockyShortcode color="red"]' . "BLAH BLAH BLAH" . "[/rockyShortcode]"); ?>

In your PHP file:

add_shortcode('rockyShortcode', 'rockysFunction'); // Place [html5_shortcode_demo_2] in Pages, Posts now.

// Throwaway function
function rockysFunction($atts, $content = null)

    $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
        'color'  => 'blue',
        'size' => '24px'
    ), $atts);

    $textColor = 'color: ' . esc_attr($atts['color']) . ';';
    $textSize = 'font-size: ' . esc_attr($atts['size']) . ';';

    $element = '<div class="custom-class" style="' . $textColor . $textSize .  '">';
    $element .= $content;
    $element .= '</div>';

    return $element;


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