Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL Aliasing commands in Powershell



If you happen to use a lot of the same commands in Windows PowerShell, look into creating alias.

//In a Win10 Powershell
notepad $profile

That will open up notepad file. That file is what Powershell will look at before loading.
In that file, paste this in:

function goSomewhereThenOpenGoogleThenDeleteSomething {
    cd C:\Users\
    Start-Process -FilePath ""
    rm fileName.txt

Set-Alias google goSomewhereThenOpenGoogleThenDeleteSomething

Now you can type the word "google" into Windows PowerShell, it will:

  1. change directory
  2. open a browser page that points to
  3. remove a fileName.txt from that user folder.

I use docker/devilbox config. This is my shortcut:

function startDocker {
    cd E:\devilbox
    docker-compose up -d bind httpd mysql php
    Start-Sleep -Second 30
    Start-Process -FilePath "http://localhost/"

Set-Alias start-docker startDocker

That will change into a directory, turn on my docker, wait 30 seconds (which is roughly how long it takes), and then load a browser page with my docker/devilbox configuration.

Via StackOverflow

I had to modify security settings too.


  1. Be sure to restart powershell so it loads up the file again.
  2. I used a wait method because i'm still learning PowerShell commands. A better option would be to use a 'when the previous command is finished, then excute the next one'.

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