Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL Rest Parameters



You don't know how many params the function may use.

function add(...theArgs) {

    // return param1 + param2;
    let total = 0;

    for (let arg of theArgs) {
        total = total + parseInt(arg);
    //foreach version
    theArgs.forEach(argument => {
        total += argument;

    return total;

I originally used a instead of a for..of.

The difference:

Another way would be to use a foreach loop.

TEST SUITE (using Jasmine):

describe('add()', () => {
    it('adds two numbers', () => {
        // arrange
        const num1 = 1;
        const num2 = 2;

        // act
        const result = add(num1, num2);

        // log
        console.log("result: ", result);

        // assert

    //remove x to add it as the testing suite
    xit('adds any ammount of numbers', () => {
        // arrange
        const num1 = 1;
        const num2 = 2;
        const num3 = 3

        // act
        const result = add(num1, num2, num3);

        // log
        console.log("result: ", result);

        // assert

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