TIL Prettier-ignore
TAGS: linting
Sometimes, prettier's auto-formatting will reformat something and make it look worse.
Example - This one line of code.
this.tiles = this.map.addTilesetImage('background', 'background', 32, 32, 1,2 );
Prettier will turn it into this:
this.tiles = this.map.addTilesetImage(
To stop that, use the JS comment // prettier-ignore to exclude the next snippet
// prettier-ignore
this.tiles = this.map.addTilesetImage('background', 'background', 32, 32, 1,2 );
Of course, now I have this issue.
// prettier-ignore
this.tiles = this.map.addTilesetImage('background', 'background', 32, 32, 1,2 );
// prettier-ignore
this.backgroundLayer = this.map.createStaticLayer( 'background', this.tiles, 0, 0);
// prettier-ignore
this.blockedLayer = this.map.createStaticLayer( 'blocked', this.tiles, 0, 0);
A crappy workaround is to put it in a {}
(per this comment). The next best thing is implementing it yourself, as the Prettier team could use help.
NOTE: There's also HTML, CSS, JSX, etc versions as well.
Related TILs
Tagged: linting