TIL Exceptions to the === rule
TAGS: javascript wat
Exceptions to === rule
NaN === NaN is false
(although they are the same value.)
-0 === 0 and 0 === -0 are true
(although they are different values.)
let width = 0 / 0; // NaN
let height = width * 2; // NaN because of width
// when compared normally, it's false.
// but when compared with Object.is, it's true.
console.log(width === height); // false
console.log(Object.is(width, height)); // true
**Instead, check it with these:**
Object.is(size, NaN)
size !== size
Humorously, you could think of Object.is(..) as the “quadruple-equals” ====, the really-really-strict comparison!
[why does -0 exist](https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/280648/why-is-negative-zero-important/280708#280708)
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Tagged: javascript