Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL the DeathGenerator




You want to generate some sweet custom death screens?



Learn more about it here:

@foone does a lot of cool stuff.
Check their

Related TILs


TIL Korok seed puzzle pattern

Why I love this is that the designers thought up a few puzzle categories, and sprinkled the open world with these. It creates a very effective piece of optional game play.

TIL Morrowind would reboot the XBox if it ran out of memory and hide it behind a loading screen

One of my favorite tricks for Morrowind is that if you are running out of memory [on Xbox], you can reboot the Xbox without the user knowing. So if you had a really long loading time, that was us rebooting the Xbox.

TIL about AutoHotKey

When you're getting annoyed at running the same commands over and over again.