Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL @extend and it's alternatives



I learned about @extend as a way to grab the styles from a element.

I wanted to make a fake-h3 element, within a span.


  1. To just completely take the css properties would mean that if h3 was updated, then my component would be out of sync. ❌

  2. I couldn't just go into the core files and turn the h3 into a mixin. ❌

  3. I used @extend make it work.

And just as quickly, my team lead pointed out why you shouldn't use @extend.


Using @extend duplicates every instance of that selector. Every time you add a new ruleset for h4, Sass will include label as part of the selector chain. It's very unlikely that you want to do this in your CSS. And it's why you should avoid @extend. It introduces specificity and inheritance problems, and increases your file size.


Instead, I switched to placeholder selectors! And it achieved the same goal that I was looking for!

h4, %h4 {
color: #c09;
font-size: 1.2rem;
font-weight: 100;

label {
@extend %h4; // Extend the placeholder instead
cursor: pointer;


Just as quickly

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