Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL outline-offset




When using a keyboard, press ⭾ tab key.

On well made sites, that is the :focus in action. Often it's a nice black box. It's for accessibility.

But it sure is ugly for the design heavy sites.

An all too common violation that I have done myself in the past is to remove :focus outlines on links, buttons, and other interactive controls. Without providing an alternative :focus style, this is immediately a violation of the WCAG Success Criterion 2.4.11: Focus Appearance.

Making it less ugly

Modern CSS now has outline-offset, which allows us to design it.

button:focus {
  outline: max(1px, 0.1em) dashed currentColor;
  outline-offset: -0.25em;

What if you don't want it at all

There is also a new pseudo-class that you can consider using in some circumstances. The :focus-visible pseudo-class will display an outline (or user-defined style) only when the device/browser (user agent) determines it needs to be visible. Typically this means it will appear for keyboard users upon tab key interaction but not for mouse users.

button:focus {
  outline: none;

button:focus-visible {
  outline: max(1px, 0.1em) dashed currentColor;
  outline-offset: -0.25em;

Remove the outline, but make it show only when you keyboard into it.

This is via

The site has working examples, which I yoinked and turned into screenshots above.

Related TILs


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TIL ARIA role presentation

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