Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL Stateful and stateless



Programming languages have the notion of “state”. This is a snapshot of a program’s current environment: all the variables that have been declared, functions created and what is currently being executed.

An expression in a programming language can be “stateful” or “stateless”. A stateful expression is one that changes a program’s current environment. A very simple example in Javascript would be incrementing a variable by 1:

var number = 1;
var increment = function() {
return number += 1;

The function increment() modifies the variable number directly.
That is a hidden intent, and should be avoided.

This stateless expression, on the other hand, is one that does not modify a program’s environment:

var number = 1;
var increment = function(n) {
return n + 1;

The function increment() has no values inside of it. It takes a parameter. It's 'pure'.


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