Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL Eliminating duplicate objects



Using Set datatypes can let you do this with no fuss.

const values = ['jane', 'lars', 'jane'];
const uniqueValues = [ Set(values)]; // ['jane', 'lars'];

But you can't do this with arrays that have objects inside of it.

Set would consider each object to be unique.

const members = [
first: 'Jane',
last: 'Bond',
id: '10yejma',
first: 'Lars',
last: 'Croft',
id: '1hhs0k2',
first: 'Jane',
last: 'Bond',
id: '1y15hhu',

Solutions would be to:

Approach 1: Building a new Array without duplicates

You can create a helper function that compares a specific key, and add them only if they don't exist.

const uniqueMembers1 = [];

for (const m of members) {
if (!containsMember(uniqueMembers1, m)) {

function containsMember(memberArray, member) {
return memberArray.find(
(m) => m.first === member.first && m.last === member.last);

Approach #2: using filter

// Only keep members m if they appear for the first time
const uniqueMembers2 = members.filter(
(m, index, ms) => getIndexOfMember(ms, m) === index);

function getIndexOfMember(memberArray, member) {
return memberArray.findIndex(
(m) => m.first === member.first && m.last === member.last);

Approach #3: Map from unique keys to members

const uniqueKeyToMember = new Map( => [m.first+'\t'+m.last, m])); // [key, value]

const uniqueMembers3 = [...uniqueKeyToMember.values()];

Via Eliminating duplicate objects: three approaches

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