Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL a one-page guide to a bunch of terminal commands I use frequently



Developers work in the command line frequently. Sometimes you just have to ssh directly into a server and tinker around.

It's always been a pain to google for these commands, since there's so many different sites that has the answer, but it's also filled with distracting links/pop-ups, it has a 5-paragraph 'reason' or it's just plain ugly.

This repo is great since it's just a nice one-pager:
You don't need a GUI - terminal commands

Some Examples

Duplicate a file:

$ cp readme.txt readme.bak.txt

Merge Directories:

$ rsync -a /images/ /images2/

Zip a directory:

$ zip -r folder_to_compress

Show a calendar:

$ cal
$ cal 11 2018

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find [path] -user [username] [options]

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I wanted to look for files with a specific extension. You can do that with ls *.(mp3|exe|mp4)

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If you're using a Mac, you're probably using iTerm. 1. Load iTerm 2. launch emacs. 3. Launch Tetris.