Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL match expression (like switch)



The new match expression of PHP is very similar to the switch statement, except it is an expression and can be used to directly assign values to a variable or return values.

$fontWeight = match ($weight) {
100 => "Super Thin",
300 => "Thin",
400 => "Normal",
600 => "Bold",
900 => "Heavy"

$return_value = match ($food) {
'apple' => 'This food is an apple',
'bar' => 'This food is a bar',
'cake' => 'This food is a cake',

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php manual

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TIL php-fpm

PHP runs as a separated service when using PHP-FPM. By using this PHP version as language interpreter, requests are processed through a TCP/IP socket; so that the Nginx web server only handles the HTTP requests and PHP-FPM interprets the PHP code. The fact of having two separate services is key for increasing efficiency.

TIL the difference between single-threaded & multi-threaded architecture

For web dev, we don't need it. We're not bottle-necked by the processing power. We're instead bottlenecked by the ability to read files/databases. We can simulate multi-threading (and improve our app's performance) using async/await.