Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL about Port 17, QoTD



We have various internet protocols.

Port 20 & 21 is FTP.
Port 22 is SSH and secure logins.

There's actually a lot of Port codes.

Port 17 is interesting!

Via Wikipedia, It's the Quote of the Day!

The Quote of the Day (QOTD) service is a member of the Internet protocol suite, defined in RFC 865. As indicated there, the QOTD concept predated the specification, when QOTD was used by mainframe sysadmins to broadcast a daily quote on request by a user. It was then formally codified both for prior purposes as well as for testing and measurement purposes.

A host may connect to a server that supports the QOTD protocol, on either TCP or UDP port 17. To keep the quotes at a reasonable length, RFC 865 specifies a maximum of 512 octets for the quote.

For a list of many TCP & UDP port numbers, check out the whole wikipedia page on it.

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TIL about Port 17, QoTD

A host may connect to a server that supports the QOTD protocol, on either TCP or UDP port 17. To keep the quotes at a reasonable length, RFC 865 specifies a maximum of 512 octets for the quote.