TIL Port Numbers
TAGS: network certifications
How to remember port numbers
The default ones to remember:
FTP - 20/21
Telnet - 23
DNS - 53
DHCP 67/68
HTTP - 80
HTTPS - (TLS & SSL) 443
To remember:
20, 21 is FTP
22 is Secure
23 is not secure
DNS -- the D is the fourth letter. So up one, down one. 5 and 3. 53.
DHCP - right before NICE. 67/68.
HTTPS: HTTP is 4 letters. So 443.
For Sure Tomahawk. Don't do High hits.
TFTP - 69
NTP (Network Time Protocol) - 123
LDAP (Lightweight Directory) - 389/636
SMB (Server Message Block) - 445
Syslog - 514
RDP (Remote Desktop) - 3389
SIP - 5060/5061
To remember:
TFTP - nice.
NTP, is easy as 123
LDAP - Like 369/636
SMB - Super mario brothers, Giant World 4
Syslog - From age 5 to 14, keep an eye on them.
RDP - Like LDAP, but starts with 3.
SIP - 50, 60
Tomahawk, Ninjas like short songs
Mail is: (the number after is the TLS/SSL version)
SMTP - 25/587
POP3 - 110/995
IMAP - 143/993
To remember:
SMTP - twenty five. It's sending email.
POP3 - almost 100. It's post office.
IMAP - almost 150. It's mapping.
SQL Server - 1433
SQLnet - 1521
MySQL - 3306
To remember:
- SQL - Q is the 17th letter. That's 14 + 3. And then another 3.
- SQLnet - age 15. Age 21.
- MySQL - Being 33 in June.
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Tagged: network