Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL the different Javascript Engines



I was thinking about Interop 2022 and it works overall.

So ECMAScript is managed by tc39, who decides the future of Javascript.

But how companies implement Javascript is different. For example: Just because fetch exists as a spec, doesn't mean every engine does it exactly the same.

That made me think, what are those engines?

JS runtime Engine
Google Chrome V8
Edge (After 2018) V8
NodeJS V8
Edge (Pre-Dec 2018) Chakra
OG Internet Explorer Chakra(Jscript)
Mozilla Firefox Spider Monkey
Mozilla Rhino
Safari JavascriptCore Webkit
Opera Carakan
Internet of Things JerryScript

This whole thought was kicked off via this episode of Syntax - Why do we need Web Interop? Another Standards Body?

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