Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL use-cases for Generators in Javascript



This is a generator.

The function* declaration (function keyword followed by an asterisk) defines a generator function, which returns a Generator object.

via the MDN

function* greeter() {
yield 'Hi';
yield 'How are you?';
yield 'Bye';

const greet = greeter();

// 'Hi'
// 'How are you?'
// 'Bye'
// undefined

How does it work?

Use Cases

via Use-Cases For JavaScript Generators

1 - Throttling a function

export function * throttle(func, time) {
let timerID = null;
function throttled(arg) {
timerID = setTimeout(func.bind(window, arg), time);
while(true) throttled(yield);

export class GeneratorThrottle {

constuctor() {};

start = () => {
thr = throttle(console.log, 3000);'');

toString = () => {
console.log('start =', this.start);

A state machine:

export class ContentStateMachine {


constructor(settings) {
this._content = settings.content;
this._default = settings.defaultIndex;
this._statePatterns = settings.statePatterns;
this._returnState = settings.returnState;
this._changeAlgorithm = settings.changeAlgorithm;

const machineSettings = {
'content': this._content,
'defaultIndex': this._default,
'statePatterns': this._statePatterns,
'returnState': this._returnState
this._machine = this.stateMachine(machineSettings);
return this._machine;

stateMachine = function * stateMachine(settings) {
const content = settings.content;
const defaultIndex = settings.defaultIndex;
const statePatterns = settings.statePatterns;
const returnState = settings.returnState;

let currentIndex = defaultIndex;
while (currentIndex >= 0 && currentIndex < content.length) {
if (this._changeAlgorithm) {
const states = returnState(content, currentIndex);
this._changeAlgorithm(states, currentIndex);
const changeType = yield returnState(content, currentIndex);
currentIndex = statePatterns[changeType](content, currentIndex);

Some more use-cases:

Via EmNudge

I had to find all people who have commented on issues at a particular GitHub repo. GitHub's rest API provides us with an endpoint that can list issue comments. With each page having a few results, in order to find all the commentors, we have to traverse all the pages. Now we can do this in a single run, and then show user the results, which will take really really long time of user seeing nothing (on a repo with 250 pages, it took 5-6 min). What can be better for user experience is to keep emitting unique commentors as we find them, hence creating a streamed output so user knows things are really in progress and not broken.

via Sid Vishnoi

The original reference: A Collection of JavaScript Tips Based on Common Areas of Confusion or Misunderstanding

and this:

// promise-based fetch
function fetchJson(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then(request => request.text())
.then(text => {
return JSON.parse(text);
.catch(error => {
console.log(`ERROR: ${error.stack}`);

// one with a generator and the co library

const fetchJson = co.wrap(function* (url) {
try {
let request = yield fetch(url);
let text = yield request.text();
return JSON.parse(text);
catch (error) {
console.log(`ERROR: ${error.stack}`);

via Exploring ES6

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