TIL reverting git
Issue: you pushed to master instead of your branch... again.
I do it all the time because I suck.
Solution 1: Remove the history #
This method re-writes history and rolls back your changes.
It's great if you push, realize your mess up, and quickly want to roll back. Highly recommended for those not in teams or if you own the project.
It's bad for those who do not allow force pushes.
How to:
Step 1: create a new branch.
Step 2: check out master.
git checkout master
Step 3: reset master by X commits.
git reset --hard HEAD~3
Step 4: check out your new branch again.
What happening?
Your branch is now ahead of master by X commits.
All those commit changes will move to that new branch.
Step 5: Force push.
Remember that
master <-- 3 commits behind
branch <-- currently has the new commits
git push origin master --force
Via https://stackoverflow.com/a/1628584
Solution 2: Revert #
This method undo's the prior commit, and makes a change in history that you reverted.
If other people have already pulled the changes you want to revert, they will need to pull the new changes you pushed after the revert.
git revert commit12345
git push origin master
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Tagged: git