Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL that Japanese sites are dark and dense



In Japan, websites are often look incredibly outdated.

Here's a comparison of Yahoo from Japan Vs America
Yahoo Japan's Homepage - Dec 11 2022

Yahoo America's Homepage - Dec 11 2022


This blog post Why Japanese Web Design Is So… Different points out the following:

Go on a safari around some of Japan’s most popular sites and here’s what you can expect to find (see Goo, Rakuten, Yomiuri, NicoNico, OKWave, @cosme, and more):

My main takeaways from that post:

With data

That's why I really like this post: the peculiar case of japanese web design (Via the Wayback Machine)

The data points from the site:

Notice how websites in Japan tend to lean heavily towards the Dark/Dense category of images.

I highly recommend reading that post about how that data was gathered.

Related TILs


TIL that Japanese sites are dark and dense

In Japan, websites are often look incredibly outdated.

TIL that Japanese sites are dark and dense

In Japan, websites are often look incredibly outdated.

TIL that Japanese sites are dark and dense

In Japan, websites are often look incredibly outdated.