Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL the core-js spam trolling



Saw this via

That comment was about core-js and the lead developer zloirock, who went to prison.

Shit happened 3 weeks after the core-js@3 release. One April night, at 3 AM, I was driving home. Two deadly drunk 18-years-old girls in dark clothes decided somehow to crawl across a poorly lit highway β€” one of them laid down on the road, another sat down and dragged the first, but not from the road β€” directly under my wheels. That's what the witnesses said. I had absolutely no chance to see them. One more witness said that before the accident they were just jokingly fighting on the road. Nothing unusual, it's Russia. One of them died and another girl went to the hospital. However, even in this case, according to Russian arbitrage practice, if the driver is not a son of a deputy or someone like that, he would almost always be found guilty β€” he has to see and anticipate everything, and a pedestrian owes nothing to anyone. I could end up in prison for a long time, IIRC later the prosecutor requested 7 years.

via 2023-02-14 What next Accident

Anyways, this made me laugh

This entire repo is a hilarious rabbit-hole when you combine this with everyone complaining about the console spam that the dev added to it asking if anyone can find him a job. One of my favorite PRs


	  ____  ___________   ____               |__| ______
	_/ ___\/  _ \_  __ \_/ __ \   ______     |  |/  ___/
	\  \__(  <_> )  | \/\  ___/  /_____/     |  |\___ \
	 \___  >____/|__|    \___  >         /\__|  /____  >
	     \/                  \/          \______|    \/

	      T h e   o n l y   p r o j e c t  t h a t

	d e s p e r a t e l y   n e e d s   y o u r  h e l p !


 #######  ########  ######## ##    ##     ######   #######  ##       ##       ########  ######  ######## #### ##     ## ########
##     ## ##     ## ##       ###   ##    ##    ## ##     ## ##       ##       ##       ##    ##    ##     ##  ##     ## ##
##     ## ##     ## ##       ####  ##    ##       ##     ## ##       ##       ##       ##          ##     ##  ##     ## ##
##     ## ########  ######   ## ## ##    ##       ##     ## ##       ##       ######   ##          ##     ##  ##     ## ######
##     ## ##        ##       ##  ####    ##       ##     ## ##       ##       ##       ##          ##     ##   ##   ##  ##
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 #######  ##        ######## ##    ##     ######   #######  ######## ######## ########  ######     ##    ####    ###    ########

πŸ’° ->

########     ###    ######## ########  ########  #######  ##    ##
##     ##   ## ##      ##    ##     ## ##       ##     ## ###   ##
##     ##  ##   ##     ##    ##     ## ##       ##     ## ####  ##
########  ##     ##    ##    ########  ######   ##     ## ## ## ##
##        #########    ##    ##   ##   ##       ##     ## ##  ####
##        ##     ##    ##    ##    ##  ##       ##     ## ##   ###
##        ##     ##    ##    ##     ## ########  #######  ##    ##

πŸ’Έ ->

########  #### ########  ######   #######  #### ##    ##
##     ##  ##     ##    ##    ## ##     ##  ##  ###   ##
##     ##  ##     ##    ##       ##     ##  ##  ####  ##
########   ##     ##    ##       ##     ##  ##  ## ## ##
##     ##  ##     ##    ##       ##     ##  ##  ##  ####
##     ##  ##     ##    ##    ## ##     ##  ##  ##   ###
########  ####    ##     ######   #######  #### ##    ##

πŸ’΅ -> [replace with zloirock's bitcoin address]


By πŸ™Š
the πŸ™‰
way. πŸ™ˆ

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Stop spamming my repository! πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

If you don't want to see these messages...


simply ensure every dependancy you use doesn't depend on core-js.



  _______  __  ____    ____  _______    .___  ___.  _______         ___                __    ______   .______    __
 /  _____||  | \   \  /   / |   ____|   |   \/   | |   ____|       /   \              |  |  /  __  \  |   _  \  |  |
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|  | |_ | |  |   \      /   |   __|     |  |\/|  | |   __|       /  /_\  \      .--.  |  | |  |  |  | |   _  <  |  |
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 \______| |__|     \__/     |_______|   |__|  |__| |_______|   /__/     \__\     \______/   \______/  |______/  (__)


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