Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

TIL the cost of spaces on TypeScript compile



First, this isn't a war with "spaces vs tabs". I don't care about that bikeshedding.

Second, this is from the Typescript's migration to ESModules blogpost.

tl;dr - Node now supports Modules (ES Modules). So Typescript is switching from CommonJS to the natively supported stuff.

MDN on Modules:

Anyways, the snippet:

One nice surprise we found from using esbuild was that on-disk size was reduced by more than we expected. It turns out that a big reason for this is that esbuild uses 2 spaces for indentation in output instead of the 4 spaces that TypeScript uses. When gzipping, the difference is very small; but on disk, we saved a considerable amount.

There's no actions for anyone to take. I just thought it was fascinating.

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TIL the cost of spaces on TypeScript compile

One nice surprise we found from using esbuild was that on-disk size was reduced by more than we expected. It turns out that a big reason for this is that esbuild uses 2 spaces for indentation in output instead of the 4 spaces that TypeScript uses. When gzipping, the difference is very small; but on disk, we saved a considerable amount.

TIL the cost of spaces on TypeScript compile

One nice surprise we found from using esbuild was that on-disk size was reduced by more than we expected. It turns out that a big reason for this is that esbuild uses 2 spaces for indentation in output instead of the 4 spaces that TypeScript uses. When gzipping, the difference is very small; but on disk, we saved a considerable amount.

TIL the cost of spaces on TypeScript compile

One nice surprise we found from using esbuild was that on-disk size was reduced by more than we expected. It turns out that a big reason for this is that esbuild uses 2 spaces for indentation in output instead of the 4 spaces that TypeScript uses. When gzipping, the difference is very small; but on disk, we saved a considerable amount.