Tagged “blog”
TIL blogpost - training new hires retrospective blog training newhire
A few months ago, I shifted from Wizbang Codemonkey to Lead Cat Wrangler (non-official titles obviously). My team went from six devs to thirteen in less than a year. And I would be in charge of managing a brand new team, as WELL as all the new hires. The Peter Principle is always a concern.
TIL how my team used web components html spec blog
I'm sure this site is from like 2002 or something (I don't exactly know). This was a super quick task. And from the looks of it's age, we just wanted to get it done quickly.
TIL Blogpost - These 6 rules created a really dope culture at my job jobstory culture blog
In almost any televised sport, watch the players. Teammates high five. Win or lose, opponents say 'good game'. Players tend to be good sports. It's rare to seeing players belittle a fellow teammate. Because at the end of the day, it's just another day. It's just another game. There's a thousand more. And another opportunity to shine.
TIL I'm done with FontAwesome html css library blog
When I first discovered FontAwesome in 2013, I like everyone thought the same thing -- this is a MAJOR game changer. It is now 2022. As I look back, FontAwesome has become unsustainable.
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