Tagged “certifications”
TIL all the different security roles roles security certifications
In appsec most notably offense vs defense. They are complimentary of course but the skills differ. For offense you need specific tools, need to get used to testing applications sometimes without source code access.
TIL about IPv4 Private IP addresses ip certifications
The IP '' is a Class A address. The IP '' is a Class B address. The IP '' is a Class C address.
TIL different Fiber Networks network certifications
My various notes on the Network+ exam for Fiber Networks.
TIL How to memorize certain IEEE 802 standards network certifications
The IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that cover the physical and data-link layer specifications for technologies such as Ethernet and wireless.
TIL Ethernet wire colors network certifications
Ethernet wires are more than just 'a cord'. It's 8 tiny wires.
TIL How to remember the OSI Model network certifications
Please do not throw Sausage Pizza, Asshole.
TIL Cell Phone technology and mobile phone generations network certifications
The various mobile phone generations and where we are now.
TIL Types of hacks and how to defend against them network certifications
On the Network+ exam, there were a few different methods of attacks. This is my notes on them.
TIL about Syslog Severity Levels network certifications
Syslog is a protocol to manage your network devices.It's a score from 0 to 7 to determine severity.
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