Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “devtools”

  1. TIL Accessibility in Devtools

    You can enable the Accessibility Devtool (currently in experiments mode) to do screenreader testing.

  2. Grouping console messages together

    You can wrap console messages together using'name') and console.groupEnd('name')

  3. TIL about console.assert()

    You can instead use console.assert() to show conditional errors

  4. TIL about wrapping a variable in curly brackets

    Output the key:value pair using curly brackets

  5. TIL Find unused JavaScript

    Chrome's Coverage panel allows you to quickly locate JavaScript (and CSS) code that has — and has not — been used. To start, open Coverage from the More tools sub-menu in the DevTools menu

  6. TIL Event Listeners in devtools

    Today I learned that you can identify the Event Listener directly in the Devtools!

  7. TIL lighthouse scores are simulations, not real world

    So if you run Lighthouse on your high-powered developer machine and get great scores, that may not be reflective of what the users experience in the real world, and so what Google will use to measure your website user experience.

  8. TIL Adding your own custom panel in Devtools

    I was always curious how chrome extensions like `React Devtools` or `Vue Devtools` magically pop into the Devtools section.

  9. TIL of how to generate ASCII folder structures

    It's common to explain or discuss a file system structure

  10. TIL that devtools can test timezones

    How to test timezones

  11. TIL How to disable the cache

    remove the cache with this

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