Tagged “dom”
TIL Dirty bit systems in browsers browser dom webpage
In order not to do a full layout for every small change, browsers use a 'dirty bit' system. A renderer that is changed or added marks itself and its children as 'dirty': needing layout. There are two flags: 'dirty', and 'children are dirty' which means that although the renderer itself may be OK, it has at least one child that needs a layout.
TIL prepend html js dom
When you're creating new elements in Javascript, you want to attach the new element to something that exists in the DOM already. You do that with append, and prepend.
TIL some JS tree traversals dom jquery javascript
Ah, DOM tree traversal. It's the adventure that keeps on giving.
TIL How a virtual dom works virtualdom dom react vue
Then, the Virtual dom compares diffs from old virtual dom, and then reapplies it. We apply the minimal amount of changes.
TIL about the term Jank seo dom
Jank is a term that focuses on how a webpage is performing. It's not about the page load, but how smoothly the page renders.
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