Tagged “eli5”
TIL ELI5 What an Operating system is os eli5
If you traveled and wasn't able to speak the language, how would you get by? You would use a translator, who would help you around. But if everyone used a translator, tourists parties would quickly double in size.
TIL how to explain Typescript like i'm 5 javascript eli5 typescript
Typescript is quickly becoming a powerful tool for Javascript developers. Typescript provides optional static typing.
TIL a short explainer of the Execution Context javascript javascript-advanced mdn eli5
It is an abstract concept that represents the environment in which JavaScript runs. What happens inside the execution context is two things basically. The first is parsing the code line by line and the second is storing the variables and functions into the memory.
TIL ELI5 for Docker & Kubernetes docker eli5
Kubernetes is the service that manages all the docker containers to ensure there's enough resources for everything to operate.
TIL ELI5 for Async Await javascript eli5
If you make a call to a friend across the world, it'll take 20 seconds before they respond. You can't just wait 20 seconds. So you run other code.
TIL ELI5 for Dependency Injection programming eli5
In a nutshell, what it means is that any given piece of code you write should be provided everything it needs to do its job, instead of creating things for itself.
TIL ELI5 for Smoke Testing testing eli5
It's about doing some basic surface level tests. If any of them are goofy, then something is wrong.
TIL about Debouncing/throttling programming eli5
Debouncing and throttling are too common techniques for dealing with things that happen 'too often', like typing.
TIL of a nice ELI5 of code splitting programming webpack eli5
Code splitting is the splitting of code into various bundles or components which can then be loaded on demand or in parallel
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