Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “fonts”

  1. TIL the history of fonts

    We came up with all sorts of clever techniques to do what was called 'image replacement' for text. Some of the techniques involved CSS and background images. One of the techniques involved Flash

  2. TIL self-hosting your own Google Fonts

    I'm all for self-hosting. So seeing this question asked 'Should you self-host Google Fonts?', my immediate answer is ABSOLUTELY. But here's the edge-cases.

  3. TIL Icon Fonts being the suckfest that they are

    In 99% of all use-cases, SVGs are better.

  4. TIL how to make numbers the same width and prevent shifting layout

    If your font supports it, you can use 'font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums'.

  5. TIL why emojis in JS counts as a length of 2

    Characters are written in UTF-16. Emojis are bigger, and require two characters.

  6. TIL how fonts draw greyscale

    This may be super esoteric knowledge and could have incredibly limited usecases beyond this post.

  7. TIL When to use Serif vs San-serif

    Serifs are recognized for having small decorative lines added as embellishment. San-Serif is basic.

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