Tagged “generator”
TIL a tool to generate contributors to a open-source github project git generator
I found this sweet tool that helps identify who are all the contributors to a project at contrib.rocks
TIL Animista for generating CSS animations css generator
Animista is one of the best CSS tools you can use for animations. It gives you a collection of pre-made animations that you can use in your CSS.
TIL generating fancy waves for HTML generator css design
Get Waves is another amazing tool that will allow you to create SVG waves for your projects using CSS. It makes it much easier, you just choose the options, then the tool generates the right CSS code for your wave design.
TIL Samuel L Jackson Lorem Ipsum generator placeholder
Probably not work-safe. But no more will you deal with boring placeholder text.
TIL Clippy for generating clip-path art css generator
Clip-path allows you to define a shape that will determine what parts of your HTML element are shown. You can use it to create all different kinds of shapes!
TIL Copy/Paste SVG Icons html svg optimization generator
And by inlining the SVG, you make one less call, and it loads faster. heroicons.dev is awesome
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