Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “input”

  1. TIL the multiple value in html

    The multiple attribute allows the user to enter multiple values on an '<input>'. It is a boolean attribute valid for file or email input types and the '<select>' element.

  2. TIL how to open up your webcam with html

    This is done with the 'capture' attribute which can take two values.

  3. TIL using datalist for a pure HTML input suggestion

    Web developers do not use the power of 'datalists' enough. It combines the power of a 'selector', with the ability to type out your choice using the keyboard.

  4. TIL how to set up autogrowing textarea fields

    There's some css tricks to autogrow textarea. There's also a nice piece of JS to use to do it as well!

  5. TIL you can wire different inputs to different forms

    You can add the form element inside a input, to point specifically to the form you want to target.

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