Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “linux”

  1. TIL Trovald's Magic Numbers

    These magic numbers are intended to safeguard against a typo or potential bit flips in the syscall number. Since reboot is a destructive and non-syncing operation, it's important to make absolutely sure that it isn't called accidentally due to a typo, a misbehaving program, or memory error

  2. TIL linux user groups

    UID 0 is reserved for root user. UID 1-99 is reserved for other predefined accounts. UID 100-999 is reserved for system accounts. Also notice that user accounts tend to start at 1000. UID above 999 are for normal user accounts.

  3. TIL How to determine what security group you're in

    These commands will help you figure out what group you're in, and if you belong to the group that can modify files.

  4. TIL this bug that deleted all /usr stuff

    Classic mistake where the dev wrote a rm -rf that deleted the folder

  5. TIL about Tmux and persistent terminals

    Tmux lets you start a terminal session and then open multiple windows inside that session. Tmux sessions are persistent, which means that programs running in Tmux will continue to run even if you get disconnected.

  6. TIL how to force-quit in Linux Terminal

    I was goofing off with my raspberry pi and broke something. Then I used ps, and then kill -9 12345 to kill that app.

  7. TIL /usr doesn't stand for user, but User System Resources

    This directory contains most commands and executables files, libraries and documentation. In the early days of Unix, it was the directory where the users' home directories were placed

  8. TIL How to connect to your Raspberry pi (home network)

    Connecting to your Raspberry Pi

  9. TIL what grep means

    What does grep mean

  10. TIL about syncthing

    Sync all the things!

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