Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “mobile”

  1. TIL safe areas for mobile browsers

    The problem you quickly encounter is that the visible viewport is not per se the same as the interactive viewport. Mobile browsers tend to prioritize essential UI elements (like the home-bar on IOS) for interactivity at all times.

  2. TIL you can make SMS links

    So you can make a 'mailto:' and a 'tel:' link. But did you know you can also do 'sms' messages too?

  3. TIL Chrome can emulate mobile hardware

    Chrome can emulate device hardware in DevTools — choose Sensors from the More tools menu

  4. TIL how to make mobile devices vibrate

    The Navigator.vibrate() method pulses the vibration hardware on the device, if such hardware exists.

  5. TIL Disable pull-to-refresh on mobile

    By default, mobile browsers tend to provide a 'bounce' effect or even a page refresh when the top or bottom of a page (or other scroll area) is reached.

  6. TIL about testing your android directly with Chrome Devtools

    Web developers have a nice Chrome DevTools to do work in. How about Mobile dev

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