Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “network”

  1. TIL how a url goes gets data from the internet

    Ever wonder what happens when you type a url in a address bar in the browser?

  2. TIL about the Network+ troubleshooting methodology

    Honestly, it's one of those things where if you break down a real problem, you probably already do all of this.

  3. TIL different Fiber Networks

    My various notes on the Network+ exam for Fiber Networks.

  4. TIL How to memorize certain IEEE 802 standards

    The IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that cover the physical and data-link layer specifications for technologies such as Ethernet and wireless.

  5. TIL Ethernet wire colors

    Ethernet wires are more than just 'a cord'. It's 8 tiny wires.

  6. TIL How to remember the OSI Model

    Please do not throw Sausage Pizza, Asshole.

  7. TIL Wi-FI Generations

    Wifi versions and generations.

  8. TIL Cell Phone technology and mobile phone generations

    The various mobile phone generations and where we are now.

  9. TIL Types of hacks and how to defend against them

    On the Network+ exam, there were a few different methods of attacks. This is my notes on them.

  10. TIL Port Numbers

    This is my own cheatsheet for remembering port numbers.

  11. TIL about Syslog Severity Levels

    Syslog is a protocol to manage your network devices.It's a score from 0 to 7 to determine severity.

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