Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “promises”

  1. TIL not using try/catch block with promises for error catching

    You shouldn't use a try/catch block inside the Promise Definition. Your promise is already doing that.

  2. TIL AggregateError

    I heard the term AggregateError in relations to 'Promise.Any', So it's several errors wrapped in a array. That's all.

  3. TIL how to convert a Callback to a Promise

    Callback functions work well for simple asynchronous operations, but can become difficult to manage and lead to 'callback hell' when dealing with more complex operations. Promises follow a specific pattern.

  4. TIL Avoiding promise chains

    Callbacks are functions that are executed when another function finishes. It can lead to callback hell, which instead, use a promise! But don't make promise chains

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