Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “search”

  1. TIL using the find command

    find [path] -user [username] [options]

  2. TIL Find Command

    I wanted to look for files with a specific extension. You can do that with ls *.(mp3|exe|mp4)

  3. TIL obscure search engines

    We all know the big ones like Google and Bing that have massive Indexes. THen we know about Wolfram Alpha and DuckDuckGo. But have you heard of Thunderstone?

  4. TIL IndexNow

    IndexNow is an open-source protocol that allows website publishers to instantly index across participating search engines, updating results based upon the latest content changes.

  5. TIL passive aggressive easter egg

    Go to this corporate website and open the search (top right) and then submit with an empty search 7-8 times for a passive aggressive response.

  6. TIL Searching a static site

    Without a database to query for it, there's no built in-search query. Create your own search query system. (with a fallback where it opens up something like Duck Duck Go).

  7. TIL doing a reverse-search history in bash

    Your bash history is saved with up/down arrow keys. Which means you shouldn't save your passwords on it. But you can use Ctrl+R to open up a search prompt.

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