Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “seo”

  1. TIL IndexNow

    IndexNow is an open-source protocol that allows website publishers to instantly index across participating search engines, updating results based upon the latest content changes.

  2. TIL lighthouse scores are simulations, not real world

    So if you run Lighthouse on your high-powered developer machine and get great scores, that may not be reflective of what the users experience in the real world, and so what Google will use to measure your website user experience.

  3. TIL using code-splitting to improve your First Contentful Paint (FCP) score

    Code splitting is a technique where you send only the necessary modules to the user in the beginning.

  4. TIL Triggering Reflow

    Have you ever been reading an article online when something suddenly changes on the pag

  5. TIL about the term Jank

    Jank is a term that focuses on how a webpage is performing. It's not about the page load, but how smoothly the page renders.

  6. TIL The Media Engagement Index

    In 2018, Google Chrome changed the way autoplay works by including the Media Engagement Index (MEI)

  7. TIL The Address tag

    JS you so crazy

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