Today I Learned - Rocky Kev

Tagged “terminal”

  1. TIL using the find command

    find [path] -user [username] [options]

  2. TIL Find Command

    I wanted to look for files with a specific extension. You can do that with ls *.(mp3|exe|mp4)

  3. TIL playing Tetris inside Zsh

    If you're using a Mac, you're probably using iTerm. 1. Load iTerm 2. launch emacs. 3. Launch Tetris.

  4. TIL copy without overriding in command-line

    The cp command has a -n flag that you can use to prevent the copied file from overriding another file if one with the same name exists

  5. TIL using jq to turn JSON into CSV

    jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data all within the command line.

  6. TIL about youtube-dl

    youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from and a few more sites.

  7. TIL what pwd means (and a bunch of others)

    It's short for print working directory

  8. TIL asciinema

    A frequent scenario that I use to teach my team is recording videos of doing terminal commands.

  9. TIL about going up and down in your bash history

    Your bash history is saved with up/down arrow keys. Which means you shouldn't save your passwords on it.

  10. TIL How to determine what security group you're in

    These commands will help you figure out what group you're in, and if you belong to the group that can modify files.

  11. TIL this bug that deleted all /usr stuff

    Classic mistake where the dev wrote a rm -rf that deleted the folder

  12. TIL end all node processing scripts

    killall node - a sure fire way to kill a node.js server that won't stop running.

  13. TIL doing a reverse-search history in bash

    Your bash history is saved with up/down arrow keys. Which means you shouldn't save your passwords on it. But you can use Ctrl+R to open up a search prompt.

  14. TIL how to get a list of all globally installed npm commands

    Well, you probably installed it globally. I was curious on what other global commands I installed. 'npm list -g --depth 0'

  15. TIL what bash means

    Bash means Bourne-again shell. sh was proprietary and not open source, and Bash was created in 1989 to create a free alternative for the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation. Since projects had to pay to use the Bourne shell, Bash became very popular.

  16. TIL about Tmux and persistent terminals

    Tmux lets you start a terminal session and then open multiple windows inside that session. Tmux sessions are persistent, which means that programs running in Tmux will continue to run even if you get disconnected.

  17. TIL how to force-quit in Linux Terminal

    I was goofing off with my raspberry pi and broke something. Then I used ps, and then kill -9 12345 to kill that app.

  18. TIL rimraf, a rm alternative

    rm is platform specific (and certainly will not work on Windows) and rimraf deals with this for us.

  19. TIL how to see if terminal commands exist

    Use the 'command -v' to see if the command exists. For example: '$ command -v git'

  20. TIL a one-page guide to a bunch of terminal commands I use frequently

    Developers work in the command line frequently.

  21. TIL setting up alias on a Mac

    Setting up alias on a mac

  22. TIL Aliasing commands in Powershell

    Save time and brain power

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