Tagged “wordpress”
TIL Static Blocks vs Dynamic Blocks blocks wordpress
A static block is a piece of content whose markup is known when the page is saved. The block saves its content and markup directly in the post content. A dynamic block is a piece of content whose markup and exact content are not known when the page is saved.
TIL how to convert a shortcode to a WP block block wordpress
Traditionally, shortcodes were a way that plugin developers could provide users the ability to add specific plugin functionality anwhere on their site. But shortcodes are not very user friendly, nor was hunting down the relevant data you needed to render the correct data for the shortcode. Converting existing shortcodes to blocks provides a much greater user experience in all aspects.
TIL how WordPress does serverside podcast wordpress serverside
This isn't fully accurate, but for the means of describing server-side rendering, it's a good start!
TIL about a a 12 year old bug that finally get's squashed. wordpress history bugs
Someone noticed a potential optimization issue, and the technical debt piled on thanks to new features, encapsulating them for reusability, then calling them over and over.
TIL about joke variables names in WordPress wordpress jokes
The vast majority of users are likely unaware of this joke unless they enjoy trawling through the 6,000+ lines of code in '/wp-includes/formatting.php'. There is a good chance that any developer who has looked up the 'wpautop()' function has stumbled upon it.
TIL how to add custom styles in WP Blocks wordpress css
Justin Tadlock of WPTavern recreates a theme in block patterns.
TIL you can share multiple users between WordPress installations wordpress cms user-tables
You can use the same userbase for all your blogs on the same domain by defining the CUSTOM_USER_TABLE and optionally the CUSTOM_USER_META_TABLE constants to point to the same wp_your_blog_users and wp_your_blog_usermeta tables.
TIL default template choices in WordPress templates wordpress
This is a list of template pages that you can add in your custom-theme. It's a really nice feature that WordPress has built-in.
TIL Blocks Vs Themes Style responsibility in WordPress wordpress
In WordPress Full-site editing mode - Who manages CSS styles? Blocks or Themes? Well, a bit of both!
TIL How to Summon WordPress in random PHP files wordpress php
How to use WordPress Helper functions outside of WordPress
TIL about using wpdb to insert data into the WordPress Database wordpress
using wpdb to insert data into the WordPress Database
TIL adding WP_HOME & WP_SITEURL wordpress
You can add WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL to wp-config.php to override your WP database
TIL about how to quickly add a WP Theme customizer Option wordpress php
You can do a lot of theme customization that auto-loads the page with every setting change. It's a really nice feature.
TIL Wordpress guesses URLs wordpress
If you write the URL of a page in a WordPress site incorrectly, WordPress will try to guess what page you were trying to access and “fix” your request so that you get the proper page and not a 404 error.
TIL WordPress cache busting wordpress caching
Importing scripts into WordPress causes it to cache. Cache bust them!
TIL About various ways to declare WP Options/Settings Page wordpress php
After a lot of research, I found two approaches for writing WP option pages with code.
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